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We promote Finnish knowhow

Business Finland's international media services work as an interface between the media and Finnish industry and business. We invite journalists from all over the world to experience pioneering Finnish innovations and hear the latest news from our key industries.

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Angles for your story about Finland

Time and time again, Finland scores at or near the top of international rankings of competitiveness; of environment for business growth; and of quality of life. Strong tech expertise, a high education level, a large contingent of creatives, and a burgeoning startup scene contribute to an attitude of innovation. Finland is at the forefront of digitalization, health solutions and smart and clean technologies. Finland has plenty to talk about, making it the perfect subject for your next story.

Angles for your story about Finland

Time and time again, Finland scores at or near the top of international rankings of competitiveness; of environment for business growth; and of quality of life. Strong tech expertise, a high education level, a large contingent of creatives, and a burgeoning startup scene contribute to an attitude of innovation. Finland is at the forefront of digitalization, health solutions and smart and clean technologies. Finland has plenty to talk about, making it the perfect subject for your next story.

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Media contact

Salla Salovaara
Head of International PR & Media Salla Salovaara