
Solita is a digital transformation company driven by tech, data, and human insight. We help businesses and societies reinvent themselves with impact that lasts. We are a community of over 1,700 professionals combining expertise strategic consulting to service design, digital development, data, AI & analytics, and managed cloud services.

Company size: 1000-2500 Employees
Current markets: America, Asia, Europe
Turnover: € 100-250M
Key offering: Communications and Mobility,Cybersecurity
Keywords: industrial iot, data analytics, ai, software development, service design, cloud, integrationplatform, cybersecurity,

Our value proposition

Solita has two fundamental capabilities: Design and data. They create a solid foundation for digitalization and ensure overall business value creation for our customers.

Our excellent service design expertise, proven with some of the most demanding customers in the Nordics, combined seamlessly with our technical capabilities, ability to choose the right tools and build an efficient architecture.

Our services are aligned with companies’ current challenges and initiatives. We are renewing their core IT landscape, scaling digital solutions and finding new innovative ways to accelerate growth.

Our cyber security services help you to design, develop and operate secure services that keep your and your customers’ valuable information confidential, intact and available.

Our offering

Our versatile offering includes expertise from strategic consulting to service design, software development, AI & analytics, cloud, and integration. Focusing on value and impact, we help our customers all the way from ideas to implementation and continuous development. We understand both the challenges of business and the possibilities of modern technology, and combine human insight, data, and technology to create solutions for companies in various industries.

About Solita

Solita is a community of over 1,700 experts in Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Germany, and Estonia. We are working with leading Nordic companies and public sector organisations, helping them to develop their business, improve their operations and create new competitive advantage. We thrive for more than just projects with our customers – our goal is to be a true, long-term partner creating impact that lasts. Founded in 1996, Solita provides a service portfolio from strategic advisory to continuous services including more traditional support services and innovative continuous development.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are looking for customers and partners who see digitalization, zero trust software capabilities, cybersecurity and utilization of data and AI as key competitive advantage.

Contact info Solita

Tel: +358408487055 Peltokatu 26 33100 Tampere

Jyrki Nurminen
Last updated 11.6.2024