Nelinor Oy

Nelinor Oy specialises in developing and manufacturing battery based energy storage.

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: Asia, Europe
Turnover: € 0-25M
Key offering: Energy and built environment,Battery applications,Battery cells and packs,Decarbonized Cities – Built Environment,Decarbonized Cities – Energy,Batteries value chain
Keywords: battery management system, iot device, energy storage, urban energy systems, privacy, residential, innovations

Our value proposition

Best utilisation of renewable energy using data fusion and machine learning. Which results in reduction on carbon footprint, energy bills and transfer fees.

Our offering

Grid Battery is a highly integrated smart energy storage. It utilises prices of spot markets, weather, user consumption profile to decide on the best times for charging and discharging the battery. It also take advantage of the availability of excess renewable energy in the grid or the locally produced one. A mobile app can connect to Grid Battery and provides control and a real-time view into its operation. Due to its compact size it is suitable for residential and industrial applications.

About Nelinor Oy

Nelinor Oy founder has over a decade of experience in energy optimisation algorithms and has over a dozen of granted patents in the field. Nelinor Oy has developed its own proprietary IoT protocols and algorithms that offers unique advantages and product properties that is distinguished from other products on the market.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are looking for installer partners and resellers.

Contact info Nelinor Oy

Tel: +3584578300515 Otakaari 7 02150 Espoo

CEO Rami Alisawi
Last updated 12.3.2024