Kouvolan Lakritsi Oy

Founded 1906, handcrafted traditional liquorice manufacturer, who has chosen 3 times best liquorice manufacturer 2020,2021,2022 by English Lux Life Magazine

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: America, Asia, Europe, Oceania
Turnover: € 0-25M
Key offering: Food,Retail
Keywords: Liquorice candy products

Our value proposition

Handcrafted premium liquorice for connoisseurs

Our offering

Different kind of liquorice products, sweet, salt, sauces, pipes, rolls

About Kouvolan Lakritsi Oy

Family owned traditional handcrafted liquorice manufacturer with 117 years history making premium quality

What kind of partner we are looking for

Importer and direct customers

Contact info Kouvolan Lakritsi Oy http://www.kouvolanlakritsi.fi

Tel: +35853213002 Hietamäentie 6 45200 Kouvola

CEO/OWNER Timo Nisula
Last updated 2.10.2023