Helmee Imaging Oy
Helmee Imaging is located in Machine Vision world capital Tampere.

Our value proposition
Through automated surface quality control Helmee customers save money, environment and people simultaneously increasing their yield, profit and sales opportunities.
Our offering
Helmee Imaging’s CSD® is an automated surface quality inspection system for all surfaces. The surface can be decorative or functional, but when it is curved shape and high gloss and the surface quality matters – with Helmee solutions you maintain the desired level of quality in all situations. Helmee CSD® (Covered Stereo Deflectometry) is patented technology based on machine vision. CSD® is the only available technology in the market that can inspect curved shape high gloss surfaces.
About Helmee Imaging Oy
We are a spin from VTT – national research center of Finland. Technology is currently used in automotive industry for inspection of small items like door handles, key parts etc. The patented technology is not limited to small items however. For the time being Helmee has own people working for the company in Finland, Germany and China. Helmee desires to grow inside the automotive markets and has developed a solution for displays and larger items aiming to the future needs of automotive industry.
What kind of partner we are looking for
Helmee is looking for customers who have a need to control the surface quality of their products or components. I addition to that Helmee is looking for local market area part handling automation partners from geographics where we have potential customers. The partner should have experience from robotics, PLCs and other basic points..
Tel: +358403507106
Rantaperkiönkatu 1 D 13 33900 Tampere