Goodmill Systems

Goodmill designs and delivers mobile broadband solutions for critical communications needs. By combining several ordinary networks into a seamless connection we are able to provide extremely high coverage and reliability even to the most difficult use cases such as a police car in pursuit or a military vessel at the high seas.

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania
Turnover: € 0-25M
Key offering: Public Safety and Critical Communications,Communications and Mobility
Keywords: Secure communication,Critical Communications,Telecommunication hardware

Our value proposition

Critical connectivity over ordinary networks

Our offering

Multichannel routers in various configurations with associated tailored solutions and managed services.

About Goodmill Systems

Mobile broadband solutions for critical communications. Combining several networks into a seamless connection, we provide extremely high coverage and reliability even to the most difficult situations.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are happy to work with local system integrators, resellers, and companies doing physical implementation such as building police cars and ambulances.

Contact info Goodmill Systems

Tel: +358 40 546 7046 Tarvonsalmenkatu 17 02600 Espoo

Last updated 11.6.2024