Digia Finland Oy

Digia is a software and service company that combines technological possibilities and human capabilities to build intelligent business, society and a sustainable future.

Company size: 1000-2500 Employees
Current markets:
Turnover: € 100-250M
Key offering: Cybersecurity,Public Safety and Critical Communications,Communications and Mobility
Keywords: cyber security, software development, DevSecOps, digital services, AI, data and analytics, cloud solutions, secure data transfer, monitoring solutions, managed services

Our value proposition

We ensure that our customers are at the forefront of digital evolution.

Our offering

We provide our customers with large scale solutions and long-term partnership for developing intelligent business. Digia is an optimal partner for the organisations that have high security and resilience requirements. We ensure that your critical services are built to withstand cyber-attacks. Security and reliability are part of our daily operations across all development projects.

About Digia Finland Oy

Digia is a software and service company that combines technological possibilities and human capabilities to build intelligent business, society, and a sustainable future. Our mission is to ensure that our customers are at the forefront of digital evolution. There is more than 1,400 digians and we operate globally with our customers.

What kind of partner we are looking for

We are looking for partners interested in utilizing our solutions and services, as well as technology partners.

Contact info Digia Finland Oy https://www.digia.com

Tel: +358 10 3133000 Atomitie 2A 00370 Helsinki

Last updated 11.6.2024