Deliverde Puutarhat Oy
A family business since 1996 that produces high-quality vegetables, herbs and salad dressings for consumers, restaurants and retail chains with sustainable methods.

Company size:
50-100 Employees
Current markets:
€ 0-25M
Our value proposition
Quality, freshness and taste. Everyday luxury. Kvalitet, fräschhet och smak. En guldkant på vardagen.
Our offering
Lettuce, herbs and a wide selection of tasty and fresh vegetables and delicious dressings. Krispiga sallater, doftande örter och läckra salladsdressingar.
About Deliverde Puutarhat Oy
Familybusiness since 1996. Innovator and trendsetter in herbs and "restaurant weggies". Familjeföretag sedan 1996. Innovativa produkter, bl a örter och salladsdressingar.
What kind of partner we are looking for
Restaurants. Wholesalers. Supermarkets. Restauranger. Grossister. Detaljhandeln.
Contact info
Deliverde Puutarhat Oy
Last updated 2.10.2023
Tel: +358400928449
Paimalantie 190 20380 TURKU
Liisa Lindroth