Cyber Hedgehog Oy

We help organizations to add cyber insurance into their IT service portfolio.

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: Europe
Turnover: € 0-25M
Key offering: Cybersecurity,Communications and Mobility
Keywords: Cyber risk analytics, cyber insurance managing general agent , cyber threat intelligence

Our value proposition

We make low risk cyber insurance service possible for SMEs. Our analytics automates cyber insurance and risk management services.

Our offering

Cyber Hedgehog helps companies mitigate cyber risks and quickly recover from cyberattacks. Our cyber insurance covers expenses and damages for the business. Our mission is to help all small and medium-sized companies protect their business against cyber threats. Our digitalized services and cyber risk analytics make best-of-breed cyber protection affordable for small businesses.

About Cyber Hedgehog Oy

Cyber Hedgehog provides a holistic cyber insurance service from one digital window for small and medium-sized enterprises. Our fixed monthly fee includes cyber insurance with all needed risk mitigation tools.

What kind of partner we are looking for

Companies who offer cyber threat intelligence solutions and cyber insurance underwriting services.

Contact info Cyber Hedgehog Oy

Tel: +358 44 9812231 Metallimiehenkuja 10 02150 Espoo

CEO Kimmo Aaltonen
Last updated 11.6.2024