Party Bugs Oy Ltd

Party Bugs are premium-quality, flavored edible insect snacks constantly prized at international trade fairs by international distributors as the most exciting insect food brand on the market. We've earned the respect of distributors by making insect food not only healthy and sustainable but also delicious, stylish, affordable, and fun!

Company size: 10-50 Employees
Current markets: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, Oceania
Turnover: € 0-25M

Our value proposition

Ride with the trending insect protein boom and make sustainability fun with the world’s most delicious and stylish insect snacks. Eating healthier comes as a bonus!

Our offering

The world best tasting premium quality edible insect snacks.

About Party Bugs Oy Ltd

Party Bugs is a brand born from the pioneering spirit of Crickets Online Oy company, established in 2018. Our journey began with a global comparison of edible insect products and brands, which made us realize that we could do everything better than our competitors. Since then, Party Bugs has outshined its rivals to become the leading insect snack brand worldwide. In 2023, Party Bugs already had distributors in almost twenty countries. In Google Trends, "insect protein" is constantly trending upward globally, and Party Bugs rides on that trend. See also:

What kind of partner we are looking for

Importers Distributors Retailers Subcontractors Suppliers White label producers

Contact info Party Bugs Oy Ltd

Tel: +358405444809 Opastinsilta 8 A 00520 HELSINKI

Pasi Porkka
Last updated 15.4.2024